Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge - a great opportunity!

              The Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge
                     Registration Opens on November 15
Please join the Atlantic Council and Leidos for the second scenario-driven, interactive competition to discuss the day-after response to a cyber incident. The conference will be held on the American University Campus in Washington, DC on February 7 - 8, 2013.
What is the Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge?

The Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge is the only student competition devoted to high level policy recommendations for day-after responses to a major cyber incident. The annual event organized by the Atlantic Council and Leidos is the “must-attend” student event in international cybersecurity policy. By participating, students benefit from experts at the highest levels of the White House, Pentagon, State Department, and intelligence community and compete to provide the best policy recommendations.

The Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge engages students with a small group of experts to discuss the decision-making process during a serious cybersecurity incident. This competition promotes awareness of cybersecurity policy issues, while providing students and experts an opportunity to network and develop new ideas for the future of cybersecurity policy.

Throughout the competition, university students confront a serious cyber security breach by composing the best cyber policy recommendations and justifying the decision-making process used to rank priorities. During the course of the competition, the scenario will continue to evolve, forcing advancing teams to focus on key priorities during a major cyber attack against the United States.

By participating in the competition, students get the unique opportunity to apply their policy recommendations by briefing real global experts in cybersecurity. Their performance is evaluated by some of the world’s leading cybersecurity policy experts who will participate in the competition as judges.

Who Can Participate?

Graduate and undergraduate students from US and international universities who are interested in the disciplines of cybersecurity policy, international relations, computer science, law, and other related fields are encouraged to apply to compete in teams of four individuals.

How to Participate?

2014 competition registration will open November 15, 2013. For more information on the Cyber 9/12 Student challenge please visit:

Facebook: Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge group
Twitter: #Cyber912

For more information, please contact us at
                                  1030 15th Street, NW, 12th Floor, Washington, DC 20005


Monday, October 14, 2013

Protecting your privacy Online

"Protecting your privacy online: 
    Some practical tips"

24 (th) October 2013, 
745 PM to 9 PM
Held simultaneously in the IST Bldg.
 Cybertorium and Foxdale Village.
Come hear tips on securing your 
privacy online.  A question/answer 
session will follow.  Light refreshments 
will be served.
Session sponsored by Penn State SRA Club,
IST Special Living Option, and Penn State
Student Chapter ACLU. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Registration open for CodePSU programming competition

The Penn State student chapters of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Association of Women in Computing will host CodePSU, a programming competition, from 1 to 7 p.m. on Oct. 19, in 113 IST Building on the University Park campus.

The contest is free to enter and open to all Penn State undergraduate students.

Gage Ames, ACM president and computer science undergraduate student, explained, "CodePSU is modeled after the ACM's International Collegiate Programming Contest. Teams of one to three students attempt to solve 10 problems over several hours. To keep it fair, there will be two tiers of competitors, divided based on each team's level of experience. Each tier will have a separate problem packet and teams will only be judged against teams within their tier. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams from each tier."

Ames adds that participating in the contest is a great way for students to brush up on their programming skills and learn more about competitive programming.

CodePSU is co-sponsored by Cisco and Microsoft.

For more information and to register by Oct. 17, visit

Monday, October 7, 2013

SRA Club - Kathy Kimball

SRA Club meeting

Presentation by Kathy Kimball, Senior Director of Penn State Security Operations and Services.

Kathy Kimball came to Penn State from the USAF in the early 1990's to develop security operations university-wide.  She can talk about the complexities of managing security for a very large, and research-oriented, institution.  She works to set policy, develop budgets, and manage security efforts.

Wednesday, 6:00 pm in 203 IST.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

2013 IBM Master the Mainframe Contest

Learn how to master the mainframe!
This IBM competition lets students take charge of a world-class computing platform and showcase their talents, while earning great prizes and learning sought-after enterprise computing skills.  No prior experience with mainframes is necessary.

2013 IBM Master the Mainframe Contest: It’s on for the 9th year!
US & Canada Master the Mainframe Contest launches on Oct 7
          – Hands-on contest for high school, college and university students
          – No experience necessary
          – Remote logon from dorms, apartments, labs
          – Registration open now!
• Increasing difficulty, increasing prize levels
          – Part 1: 1-2 hours to complete, win a T-shirt
          – Part 2: 10-20 hours to complete, win $100 in IBM gear
          – Part 3: Weeks to months to complete, win a tablet and an expenses-paid trip
• Student Mainframe Contests run in 33 countries since 2005
Why should students compete in a Mainframe Contest?  Prizes! 
The prizes up for grabs in the 2013 Master the Mainframe Contest include:
  • Google Nexus 10 tablet computers
  • Master the Mainframe swag, including hoodies, messenger bags and more
  • Trips to the mainframe lab in Poughkeepsie, NY
  • Custom Master the Mainframe T-shirts

Experience! Today's mainframes are growing in popularity and require a new generation of mainframe experts. This contest is designed to equip students with basic skills to make them more competitive for jobs in the enterprise computing industry. Participation in the Master the Mainframe Contest could give you the edge you need.
To help employers connect with the best mainframe students, contestants are encouraged to check out the jobs posted on the new System z job board at

WW Student Mainframe Contests:
US & Canada Facebook page:
US & Canada homepage:
For questions, contact Michael Todd (

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Please vote for IST project!!!

Real-time Auroral Imaging on the ISS

Idea Description: My proposed research idea is to fly a geo-tagged, filtered video camera for imaging the northern lights in real-time and to display the resulting images on the Aurorasaurus platform.

Aurorasaurus is an emerging project for citizen scientists to experience the extremes of space
weather for the current solar maximum, the first with social media. The northern lights are
dynamic, widespread, and very hard to predict. The Aurorasaurus project aims to use citizen
science, social media, and nowcasting to make a big improvement in predicting the visibility of
the northern lights for the public by encouraging people to report whether they can see aurora or
not. The reports are displayed on an online real-time map along with critical weather information
and coarse predictions from NOAA. We hypothesize that near real-time images from the
International Space Station (ISS) can be used as an additional data source for quantitative
improvements in space weather forecasting and understanding of auroral phenomena, as well
as motivating improved citizen science participation in this project.

To vote for this project go to this link:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Intelligence Community Virtual Fair

On September 24, 2013, the Intelligence
Community (IC) is hosting a Student Program Virtual Fair to share internship,
scholarship and co-operative opportunities.  Online registration is required to

Participating IC Agencies include:

·         Central Intelligence Agency

·         Defense Intelligence Agency

·         National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

·         National Security Agency

For more information or to register for this event, please have students visit:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Microsoft IT Academy

Microsoft IT Academy Launches at Penn State, Features eLearning and Certification 

ITS Training Services is happy to announce the launch of Microsoft IT Academy at Penn State. This service gives all Penn State faculty, staff, and students free, 24/7 access to over 1,800 Microsoft eLearning courses on topics including Microsoft Office, Windows, SharePoint, SQL Server, and many more.

In addition to offering free eLearning, ITS Training Services will also provide interested Penn State faculty and staff with free vouchers to test for Microsoft Office Specialist, Microsoft Technology Associate, or Microsoft Certified Educator certifications.

To access Microsoft IT Academy, visit the Microsoft IT Academy at Penn State homepage. From this homepage you can log in to view eLearning courses using your Penn State Access Account ID and Password, request a certification voucher, or find out more about Microsoft IT Academy. If you have any questions, please email

Our hope is that this service will become another way in which we can help support the Penn State community with just-in-time training and professional development opportunities. Happy learning!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SRA Club upcoming events

Tuesday, Sep 17
7:30 pm 205 IST Bldg

Humana information session.  Great opportunity to learn about careers and internships at Humana.  I am told food will be provided.

Thursday, Sep 19
7:30 pm 205 IST Bldg

First SRA Club general meeting of the semester.  Best time for a new member to come and meet the other members and also start getting involved in the fun, educational and rewarding events planned for this school year.

Monday, September 16, 2013

IST 402: Google Online Marketing Challenge

IST 402 Spring 2014

Section: 001
Class Limit: 48

Will there be a wait list?: yes

Meeting Days/Times: T R 1:00 -2:15 PM
Classroom: 110 IST Building
Prerequisites: None!
Instructor: Jim Jansen (

Technology Requirements: Basic understanding of information systems, Word Suite (Excel, Power
Point, etc.), some basic business / marketing / advertising concepts, and Web search engines.

Course Description: Indispensable for locating information, Web search engines also facilitate e-commerce
transactions, with many organizations using search engines for online marketing, branding, and advertising. This course examines the online marketing environment via a real world competition using the Google AdWords platform. Students will participate in the Google Online Marketing Challenge (

Students will gain practical, real world online marketing experience while getting all the excitement of competing with teams of other students from all over the world. Note: instructor controls: Students interested in registering need to send their name, resume, and Penn State id number (need id to get them registered, controls are on the course) to Dr. Jansen

Book: None! Doing my part to hold down book expenses!

Relationship to Other Courses: Related to a variety of courses in IST, business, marketing, advertising, and entrepreneurship programs.

Target Audience: Any student interested in, at some point in their lives, (1) running an online marketing or advertising campaign or (2) understanding the technology and marketing/advertising principles of search engine advertising.

Evaluation Methods: Evaluation is based on criteria that are relevant to any successful information
technology or business course, but the course will focus on muscular learning (i.e., learning by doing).
Each student will be on a team of three and run a real world keyword advertising campaign for a
real business – no simulation! Not a lot of talking – a lot of doing!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Big Data Social Science IGERT Speaker Series

Presenter: Lise Getoor, Professor of Computer Science, University of MD 

When: Sep 13, 2013, 12:10 pm – 01:15 pm 
Where: B001 Sparks (the 'Databasement")
"Entity-based Data Science"

Entity-Based Data Science

There is a growing interest in integrating, analyzing, visualizing and making
sense of large collections structured, semi-structured and unstructured data.
In the world of big data, data science provides tools to help with this process
– tools for cleaning the data, tools for integrating and aligning the data,
tools for finding patterns in the data and making predictions, and tools for
visualizing and interacting with the data. In this talk, I will focus on
entity-based data science, data science techniques which support network
analysis for computational social science. I will focus on the tasks of entity
resolution (determining when two references refer to the same entity),
collective classification (predicting missing entity labels in the network),
and link prediction (predicting relationships) in a holistic manner which takes
into account both entity attributes and relationships among the entities. I
will overview of our recent work on probabilistic soft logic (PSL), a framework
for collective, probabilistic reasoning in relational domains. Our recent
results show that by using state-of-the-art optimization methods in a
distributed implementation, we can solve large-scale problems with millions of
random variables orders of magnitude more quickly than existing approaches.

Lise Getoor a professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of
Maryland, College Park. Her primary research interests are in machine learning
and reasoning with uncertainty, applied to graphs and structured data. She also
works in data integration, social network analysis and visual analytics. She
has six best paper awards, an NSF Career Award, and is an Association for the
Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Fellow. She has served as action
editor for the Machine Learning Journal, JAIR associate editor, and TKDD
associate editor. She is a board member of the International Machine Learning
Society, has been a member of AAAI Executive council, was PC co-chair of ICML
2011, and has served as senior PC member for conferences including AAAI, ICML,
IJCAI, ISWC, KDD, SIGMOD, UAI, VLDB, WSDM and WWW. She received her Ph.D. from
Stanford University, her M.S. from UC Berkeley, and her B.S. from UC Santa
Barbara. For more information, see 

This event is open to all interested members of the Penn State community.

Monday, September 9, 2013

PWC Hacking Challenge

Here’s your chance to put on your game face and team with your friends in PwC’s IST Case Challenge.  Join other students to learn about high-level
consulting issues and compete for cash prizes.

Students will present to PwC’s Technology Consulting team on September 24!

Who can compete?
Your team must meet the following composition:
• 5 students per team (you can create your own team or sign-up as a  single person and ask them to fill your team)
• Teams must have no more than 3 upperclassmen (junior/senior)
• All members must have the intent to apply, applied, or currently be enrolled in the college of IST.

Sign up through the link below and join us for our Mission Meeting to learn more!  Mission Meeting details are as follows:

Location: 202 IST
Date: Wednesday, September 18th
Time: 7pm-9:00pm
Dress: Business Casual

To register:

For more info contact:

Russell Brick, Technology Consulting, (
Dustin Bartolomeo-Damon, Campus Recruiter, (

Thursday, September 5, 2013

2013 Penn State Security Conference

2013 Penn State Security Conference will take place on October 28-29, 2013 at the Nittany Lion Inn on the University Park campus.

The Security Conference is divided into two days. Day One is a more general overview of what’s happening in the world of information security and Day Two focuses more on Penn State-specific issues and is for University IT professionals.

SRA majors should seriously consider attending Day 1.

For more information - and to register - please visit

SRA Club first meeting

The first meeting of the SRA Club will be an information session with IMA Consulting on Sept. 11th at 8pm in 110 IST. They are looking to hire technology specialists.  This is a great opportunity to network!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fall semester student professional events at IST

6 PM - 7 PM
202 IST Building
How to Navigate the Career Fair
RSVP in Compass

 Evening Presentation presented by the Career Solutions Office

11:30 AM - 2 PM
Front Lawn of IST Building
PwC Undergraduate Welcome Back

 Large student event for undergrads, faculty and administration.
 Everyone welcome!!

7 PM - 8:30 PM
Nittany Lion Inn
Capital One

 Vice President of Retail Bank IT will be  here to  talk about Capital
 One and the amazing IT opportunities within the company.

2 PM - 4 PM
2nd Floor IST
NSA Meet and Greet

 Info table on the second floor

10 AM - 4 PM
2nd Floor IST

 Corporate Associates will be here on the  second floor reviewing resumes.
 Bring several hardcopies to be reviewed by recruiters and get some
 networking with them too.

6 PM - 7 PM
202 IST Building
PNC's Technology Resume & Interview Workshop
RSVP in Compass

 Evening presentation

10 AM - 4 PM
2nd Floor IST
Pro Expo – IST Career fair

 Large student event featuring undergrads and corporate associates. 
 Just show up.  Dress business professional. Bring your PSU ID to 
 swipe in.  Bring  Resumes.

8 PM - 10 PM
Nittany Lion Inn
Johnson & Johnson
 Come learn about the many career opportunities at Johnson & Johnson. 
 We will be at the Nittany Lion in on the evening of the Pro Expo.

All Day
Days Inn
Pro Expo Interview Day

 Interview Day following Pro Expo at Days Inn

6 PM - 8 PM
Willard 167
Air Products & Chemicals -- Allentown
 Information session about the company and career opportunities within
 Air Products & Chemicals

6 PM - 8 PM
Hintz Alumni Hall
Make Your Mark; Amp up your Brand
RSVP link in Compass

 Reserve your spot early.  Dress is business casual.  Food, networking
 and  workshop presented by PwC designed to  make you stand out in the  crowd.

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Willard 260

 Session will be geared towards internships and co-op positions.  This
 event is being shared from Career Services.

6 PM - 7 PM
202 IST Building
AT&T Presentation

 Evening presentation

10 AM - 3 PM
2nd Floor IST

 Info table on the second floor

6 PM - 7 PM
202 IST Building
KPMG Presentation

 Evening presentation

6 PM - 7:30 PM
202 IST Building
Textron (Providence, RI)

 Information session about the career opportunities at Textron.

6 PM - 8 PM
202 IST Building
Cognizant Technology Solutions

 Info session

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Thomas Building 110
Abercrombie & Fitch

 Come learn about the IT opportunities available at Abercrombie & Fitch


Representatives form the National Security Agency will be at IST Building on September 10 and 11.  On Sep 10 (afternoon) they will be holding a stop-by-and-chat session for students regarding employment opportunities at NSA. They will be in the 2'nd floor student lounge area.

On Sep.11, from 10-3, they will be participating in Resumania, on the second floor of IST Bldg.

If you have any interest in working with NSA - either an internship or a permanent job - I encourage you to stop by and see them.  Dress nice, smile, and bring your resume.

Second ATT Coding Challenge

At AT&T, we’re embarking on our second Coding Challenge kicking off on August 26, 2013 – Nov. 22, 2013, and want to extend a formal invitation for your students to participate. The Coding Challenge is a competition to design and build an Android-based application using AT&T’s industry leading APIs. We’re inviting undergraduate students who are 18 or older from across the U.S. to participate in this one-of-a-kind competition to give students an opportunity to innovate together with the underlying power of the AT&T network.

The theme for the challenge will support the “It Can Wait” campaign. According to a recent AT&T Wireless survey, 75 percent of teenagers consider it “common” for their friends to text while driving. We’re challenging students to develop a creative app that will entice people to stop texting and driving.

Students can officially sign up for the Coding Challenge now using our online registration system.

Please keep in mind this important registration information and deadlines for your students:
  • Registration Begins (August 26): Students can sign up and learn more about the Coding Challenge via our website,
  • Coding Challenge Kickoff (September 23): Official open to second annual Coding Challenge.
  • Close of Coding Challenge (November 22): Official close to competition. Judges begin deliberation.
  • Winners Announced (December 5): Five winning teams will be announced and rewarded with cash prizes.
Please feel free to post the attached flyer on campus to spread the word about the Coding Challenge.

For any questions, please  contact us at We’re looking forward to a fantastic competition and seeing the great work of your students.

George McMurtry Lecture

Teaching Technology for Social Justice

Professor Lynette Kvasny

Friday, Sep 27, 2013
2:30 pm
Room 208 IST


As an educator, my objective is to raise students’ consciousness of both the opportunities and problems that arise from our world’s growing reliance on information and communication technology (ICT). I do so by bringing a social justice perspective to the study of ICT and society. According to Adams, Bell and Griffin (1997), social justice education utilizes experiential pedagogical principles that help students to understand power relations expressed in oppressive systems that incite feelings of marginalization, exploitation of labor, threats of violence, cultural imperialism, and feelings of powerlessness. As students apply these themes to familiar ICTs and their digital culture, they become conscious of their operating worldview and are able to examine alternative ways of understanding the world and social relations. Social justice education has the potential to prepare students to become something more than technologists who are able to effectively design, implement and manage information systems. They are becoming people who are sophisticated in their understanding of social interactions amongst diverse groups, and are able to critique current technology arrangements and envision new possibilities for ICT and society.