Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Second ATT Coding Challenge

At AT&T, we’re embarking on our second Coding Challenge kicking off on August 26, 2013 – Nov. 22, 2013, and want to extend a formal invitation for your students to participate. The Coding Challenge is a competition to design and build an Android-based application using AT&T’s industry leading APIs. We’re inviting undergraduate students who are 18 or older from across the U.S. to participate in this one-of-a-kind competition to give students an opportunity to innovate together with the underlying power of the AT&T network.

The theme for the challenge will support the “It Can Wait” campaign. According to a recent AT&T Wireless survey, 75 percent of teenagers consider it “common” for their friends to text while driving. We’re challenging students to develop a creative app that will entice people to stop texting and driving.

Students can officially sign up for the Coding Challenge now using our online registration system.

Please keep in mind this important registration information and deadlines for your students:
  • Registration Begins (August 26): Students can sign up and learn more about the Coding Challenge via our website,
  • Coding Challenge Kickoff (September 23): Official open to second annual Coding Challenge.
  • Close of Coding Challenge (November 22): Official close to competition. Judges begin deliberation.
  • Winners Announced (December 5): Five winning teams will be announced and rewarded with cash prizes.
Please feel free to post the attached flyer on campus to spread the word about the Coding Challenge.

For any questions, please  contact us at We’re looking forward to a fantastic competition and seeing the great work of your students.