Tuesday, January 13, 2015

President Obama on Privacy

Reposted from my colleague Prof. Heng Xu:

President Obama spoke on privacy at FTC this noon. Here is his speech (starts from the 46th minute): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m60poYIwTfc#t=38

He mentioned several new steps for privacy protection: 

1. Introducing new legislation to create a single, strong national standard so Americans know when their information has been stolen or misused. Companies would have to notify consumers of a breach within 30 days. 

2. Encouraging more companies to offer credit reports for free.

3. Introducing a consumer privacy bill of rights, identifying principles to protect personal privacy and ensure that industry can keep innovating. For example, consumers have the right to decide what personal data companies collect from them, and how companies use that data. The right to know that your personal information collected for one purpose can’t then be misused by a company for a different purpose. The right to have your information stored securely by companies that are accountable for its use. There ought to be some basic baseline protections across industries. 

4. Taking a series of actions to protect the privacy of children. Proposing student digital privacy act. Data collected on students in the classroom should only be used for educational purposes, to teach our children, not to market to our children. Prevent companies from selling student data to third parties for purposes other than education. Prevent any kind of profiling that outs certain students as disadvantages as they go through school.