It's job hunting season! As your partner in Information Assurance/Cyber Defense, NSA believes your students are well suited for many of our Cyber related student programs and full time positions throughout the National Security Agency (NSA). Please encourage your students to consider a career with NSA and help us spread the word about these opportunities to Department Heads and Career Service organizations on your campus. Thank you for helping build a cadre of top talent to protect and defend information and cyber systems for the Nation. "Defending Our Nation. Securing The Future" "Confidence in Cyberspace" The National Security Agency (NSA) currently has a number of openings for full-time positions in all our mission areas. Students receiving degrees in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, or other Information Security and Cyber-related disciplines are encouraged to apply at: NSA's Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) believes students from the NSA/DHS National Centers of Academic Excellence may be particularly interested in the positions identified below but may apply to multiple positions. . 1063184 - IAD Information Assurance/Security Professionals . 1063504 - IAD IA Doctrine Policy Officer . 1063508 - IAD Interagency OPSEC Support Staff (IOSS) Instructional Designer . 1063522 - IAD Business Technologist Support to Investment Analysis . 1063526 - IAD Information System Security Designer Support to Investment Analysis . 1063410 - Computer Network Operations Development Program (CNODP) . 1063155 - Summer Internship Program for Information Assurance (SIP/IA) ************ Student Internship, CO-OP, & Scholarship Opportunities *************** The NSA has many different summer Internship Programs in addition to our CO-OP and Scholarship programs that, like our full-time positions, support all our mission areas and offer exciting opportunities in a wide array of disciplines. Descriptions and requirements for each of these programs can be viewed by visiting and selecting "Student Programs" on the pull-down menu. IMPORTANT - The application deadline for most of the summer internships is 31 October; however, some of the math related internship deadlines are as early as 15 October. Also, students may apply to multiple internships as these are each reviewed and selections made independently. Students may apply for these full-time positions by visiting and looking for the position numbers listed above. Student Program opportunities can be located by using the key word search and entering "internship". "CO-OP", or "scholarship." *********************************************************************** PLEASE ENTER EVENT CODE 485-1 WHEN APPLYING TO ANY JOB OPENINGS Please Note: - U.S. Citizenship is required for all applicants - Reasonable accommodations will be provided to applicants with disabilities during the application and hiring process where appropriate. - NSA is an equal opportunity employer and abides by applicable employment laws and regulations. For questions concerning the application process, please contact NSA Recruitment & Staffing at: 1-866-NSA-HIRE (1-866-672-4473) or e-mail