Thursday, January 14, 2016

IST Diplomats Leadership Academy

Applications are now open for the 2016-2017 IST Diplomats Leadership Academy class. We had a great fall semester with our most recent cohort of students and are excited to identify additional talented and enthusiastic students. As you know, this program enhances the current IST Diplomats outreach efforts by adding an academic component that focuses on developing vital leadership skills.

We are looking for students who are dynamic, charismatic, and meet the following criteria:

·         Are resident full-time undergraduate students in the College of Information Sciences and Technology, University Park campus.
·         Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
·         As of spring semester 2016, must be semester standing of  2,3,4,or 5.
·         Be highly motivated, enthusiastic, dependable, knowledgeable, and sincere in representing Penn State and the College of Information Sciences and Technology.
·         Be a University Park Student for at least one semester.
·         Be able to communicate clearly and articulately 

If you are interested, send Dr. Santoro an email at and your name will be forwarded to the application committee.