Thursday, November 27, 2014

The 2nd National Women in Cybersecurity conference

The 2nd National Women in Cybersecurity conference will be held on March 27-28, Atlanta, GA.

With support from National Science Foundation, Award #1303441 (Capacity Building in Cybersecurity: Broadening Participation of Women In Cybersecurity through the Women in Cybersecurity Conference and Professional Development), WiCyS is an effort to bring together women (students/faculty/researchers/professionals) in cybersecurity from academia, research and industry for sharing of knowledge/experience, networking and mentoring. Any individual or organization interested in supporting recruiting and retention efforts for women in cybersecurity is encouraged to participate.

The 1st WiCyS conference was held in Nashville, TN, April 2014. Here are some pics:

Limited number of WiCyS scholarships will be given out to students and faculty. Scholarship recipients will receive free shared lodging, meals for a reduced subsidized registration fee of $25 for students and $50 for faculty. Deadline for scholarship application is December 15th . Acceptance notification is January 5.

We have limited capacity of 500 attendees: 50% students (at all college levels), 25% educators, 25% professionals.
 The WiCyS conference  will offer:
•             Distinguished speaker sessions        •             Technical presentations
•             Technical workshops                             •             Poster competitions  
•             Birds-of Feather discussions              •             Speed mentoring and networking session
•             Panel discussions                                    •             Lightning talks
•             Career and graduate school fair

We have some excellent speakers lined up and with your participation, we hope to orchestrate a program that will be beneficial to students, educators, researchers and professionals.
Here is a draft outline of the program:

New this year:
·         WiCyS-Facebook travel scholarships for students (up to $500 for 10 students) to defray cost of travel to WiCyS 2015. Once WiCyS scholarship notifications are sent out, students can apply for the travel scholarship.
·         Speed mentoring and networking session
·         Career fair on 1st  day with interview opportunities on 2nd day

We have limited capacity and therefore, please reserve your spot as soon as possible.

Please pass this to peers, help support our cause and spread the word.

Important Links:
Registration/Scholarship Application:
Sponsoring Partnership Opportunities:

Ambareen Siraj
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Tennessee Tech University