Monday, March 21, 2016

Reverse Engineering Competition

Description Dakota State University (DSU) and the University of Nebraska­Kearney (UNK) is hosting a 5 day reverse engineering (RE) challenge.

The competition will start at 8am central on Monday, March 28th and end on Friday, April 1st at 10am central​.

The challenges will test a variety of skills necessary for any reverse engineer and all skill levels are welcome to apply. The challenges are arranged in categories, with increasingly more difficult challenges in each category. The initial challenges are designed to develop, or test, basic skills and progress to intermediate and then advanced challenges.

 If you take on the challenge you might have to reverse PDFs, .NET binaries, obfuscated PHP, Javascript, x86, x64,C++, PE, ELF, Mach­O, and so on. Registration Is Open!

Go to ​​to register

Registration & Questions Registration will open throughout the competition. If you have any questions please email

Contest Participants will receive instructions on where to download the challenges at the start of the competition. Instructions will be sent to the email address used to register. This event is sponsored in­part by DSU’s Center of Excellence.

This is a virtual event, you are not required to be present at DakotaCon in order to participate. Scoring Challenges will be assigned a point value based off of the difficulty. Total points awarded will be calculated using the point value from the challenge and the time of submission (for a correct answer). Point value decreases as the competition progresses. An overall score board will be maintained and accessible throughout the competition. Rules This is an individual competition, any indications of cheating will result in dismissal.